The Earth-Treader

Wow, it’s been a while. I haven’t written a blog in a few months. I have some exciting news, though! For many of you, this won’t be anything new, but for some of you, perhaps you haven’t yet heard: I published my first book!! The Earth-Treader is now available on Amazon and will be available…

Dreams that Breathe

There’s something both relieving and overwhelming about a heavy rainfall. Relieving because it replenishes the earth and allows you to remain indoors and read that book you’ve been wanting to pick up for a few days now. Overwhelming because of its sound, its loudness, its cacophony of noise. I love a slow trickle of rain,…

Isolated Reflections

It’s been relatively quiet on my blog as of late, and the major reason is due to my intentional filtering of time and effort into a different project. I’m writing a novel, one that I hope will someday grace the bookshelves of stores and countless homes. But most of all, a novel that I can…

This Christmas Season

March came and went. The summer flew by. Grad school finally ended. Zac and I both started new jobs. Fall erupted into brilliant colors which have long since faded into browns. Halloween & Thanksgiving passed by like a breath. Now onto Christmas. How is it that my sweet husband and I have been married for…

Bookshelf Tour – Part 2

Some of you may remember my first Bookshelf Tour: Part 1 and a lot of my favorite books featured there. Today, I am going to do part 2 of my bookshelf tour, navigating you through a variety of novels: their genres, content, etc. This tour will be a little different because some of the books featured on…


It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and write. And I often find I’m most inspired in that same special place time and time again, reminding me that the “pen is indeed mightier than the sword.” That special place is, obviously, my book room. A room where there are…

Change in the Wind

I can feel the change in the wind. The trees sway differently, only a slight bending in the breeze, a little more resilient now that summer’s long thaw is nearing its end. The birds feed more regularly at the feeder, storing up energy and nourishment for the harsher months to come. The sun shines its…

Taking Flight

Trapped in a cage That no one can see A bird fully fledged, Strong – Waits to break free. Its song is beautiful Amidst the fear, Its mourning once Unnoticed – Now we hear. It jostles the cage, Rattles the bones Until the iron has No will – Of its own. “I’m free, I’m free,”…

My Own Little Library

There’s some kind of magic in having a room full of books. It’s like they’re just sitting there waiting to take you on an adventure. Every time I walk into this room, I breathe a little easier, time seems to slow down, and I’m reminded that being human is indeed a beautiful thing. And the…

Fluttering of Feathers

There are moments where being In love feels like flying, Soaring high above tree tops And chasing the sun – Other times it’s found in the Mundane, the routines, The ebbs and the flows of All that it means to be human, More of an existence Rather than a fluttering of feathers. But most often,…