Out of the Dust

We were made to move and not remain idle like statues. Rest is important, but here’s the thing, you’re still moving, breathing, living. In the Old Testament, there were many nations who revered and worshiped idols, manmade objects or statues. Dead, unreal, unmoving. There were many who placed their lives and their very being into…

Poetry Posts: Week 1

Welcome to the first installment of weekly poetry posts – I’ll be posting poems every Saturday (as best I can). Here are a few little guys I wrote last night. Enjoy 🙂 …………… Flight Patterns What does is look like to Be as confident as A Sparrow, To never question the Identity it’s Been given?…

Bookshelf Tour: Part 1

I’ve been looking forward to writing this post, and I’m so stoked that I’ve finally found the the time to sit down and make this happen. Welcome to my first ever “Bookshelf Tour” where I will introduce (or reacquaint) you to some of my favorite novels that currently sit happily on the limited shelf-space in…

Mini Dinosaurs

Chickens. Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about these feathery creatures? I read somewhere recently that chickens are the closest living species related to dinosaurs, and I thought, “huh, how can something so small be related to a mammoth T-Rex?” When I did further research, I found that chickens apparently have…